A round-up of OB/GYN Twitter accounts that are worth a follow.
Charles Lockwood (@OSUMedDean) Dean of OSU College of Medicine. Research: prematurity, and health care policy. Clinical focus: Recurrent pregnancy loss. Sailing, fishing, reading history. Columbus, OH
Joshua Copel (@jacopel) High risk obstetrics, prenatal diagnosis, fetal therapy at Yale Medical Group. Tweets are not medical advice, but you knew that. New Haven, CT
Jessica Shepherd (@HerViewpoint) A community forum for women's health led by a tell-it-like-it-is OB/GYN. We chat all things. Tweets by Jessica Shepherd, MD. Wherever women are.
Robert Wah (@RobertWahMD) AMA President-elect 2013-4. Past AMA Board Chair, Advocates for physicians & patients. Board Certified in OBGYN & ReproEndo. Teaches, pt care & surgery at NIH. McLean, VA
Bret Einerson (@breinerson) OB-GYN resident, Heath Policy wannabe, Husband to Adoption Therapist, Minnesotan-at-heart, etc. Chicago, IL
Eduardo Lara-Torre (@DrLTGYN) OBGYN specialized in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. Roanoke, VA
Christina Han (@Chris_S_Han) High-risk obstetrician, Diabetes researcher, Amateur photographer, Tree hugger, Travel enthusiast, Gourmand and Tech junkie. New Haven, CT
Joshua Johannson MD (@DrJJohannson) A graduate of Talladega College and University of Michigan Medical School. Interested in healthy living, women's health, and wellness.
Vivian von Gruenigen (@DoctorViv) Leader in Women's Health, Gynecologic Oncologist and Researcher @summahealth. Tweets are solely my own. Akron, OH
Kevin Stepp MD (@drkevinstepp) Chief, Urogynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Carolinas Healthcare System. Specializes in single incision laparoscopy and pelvic reconstruction. Charlotte, NC
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Intentional weight loss linked to lower mortality in postmenopausal women
March 11th 2025A recent study shows that intentional weight loss significantly lowers all-cause, cancer, and cardiovascular mortality risks among postmenopausal women, highlighting the importance of targeted weight management.
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