Ask The Expert Archives on Pregnancy


Questions on Pregnancy

A: After surgery, initial inflammation resolves in 6 to 12-18 weeks. Women with a single remaining tube have a 58%-65% chance of an intrauterine pregnancy at 36 months.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Hemolytic disease of the newborn is caused by incompatibility between maternal and fetal red blood cells (RBC). If the fetus has a Rh positive (Rh+) RBC and the mother has Rh negative (Rh-) RBC, she becomes immunized by exposure to Rh+ fetal RBC with the production of antibodies that react with fetal RBC causing hemolytic disease. If your third baby is Rh+ , he can be affected.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Unlikely, but not impossible.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: hCG, hormone (pregnancy test) can be detected in blood 7 days following conception. It is almost 100% accurate.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Could be. Yes, you should consult the doctor.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Segn su informacin (¿tiene usted hijos?) parece tratarse de un "Sndrome de Ovarios Poliqusticos (SOP)". Le recomiendo que busque en el directorio de su rea un gineclogo con sub-especialidad en endocrinologa. Me informa sobre resultados.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only

A: It's unlikely but not impossible.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Yes, you could have an ectopic pregnancy. Go to your OB for further evaluation.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Do not panic. It's time to go to the Ob for guidance. It does not look like you are a high risk couple for infertility.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Puede continuar con el Climene. Los dolores de seno son debido a las tabletas. Si resultan molestosos me avisa. Nuevamente, saludos.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
PD. Recuerde: esto es con fines educativos solamente.

A: Repeat C- section right now.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: You need to visit your OB and also get a ultrasound.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.


A: Hemorrhoid is not a specific sign of pregnancy; sleepiness could be.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: The only way to clear this up is to be examined by your OB, who will perform the necessary tests.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Probably not.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Very unlikely, go see a OBGYN

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: There are medical ways to increase your chances under medical supervision.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Sometimes obesity is associated with menstrual and other abnormalities. You should consult with a Reproductive Medicine specialist.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: After Depo-Provera, depending on your fertility, you can ovulate in 8 to 18 months. Be patient.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Ovulation occurs 14 days before menstruation (at the middle of the menstrual cycle). Serum (blood) pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy as early as one week after conception.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: You must see a high risk pregnancy doctor ASAP. Good luck.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are the period when organs are formed. Some drugs can be harmful during this period. Go see a high risk ob/gyn for more information. Good luck.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: There is no evidence of fetal malformation related to Loratab (acetaminophen) and administration of "methadone in pregnancy should not affect neonatal outcome".

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: You should see a high risk pregnancy doctor ASAP.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Get a blood pregnancy test and/or a USG.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: It would be a high risk pregnancy and it is very important to keep strict control. Consult a specialist in high risk pregnancies.

Marta Mendez MD
Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: I don't know if it is required by law to have your mom with you during delivery since you are a minor, but please, tell her that you are pregnant.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: If she is very determined to have unassisted childbirth (and if it is legal in your state) there is nothing you can do.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Just remember that Rectasol suppositories are a low/medium potency corticosteroid. You can go to: and get additional information.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: You should ask your gynecologist about this problem.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Just remember that Rectasol suppositories are a low/medium potency corticoesteroid. You can go to: and get additional information.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Inducing labor for doctor's convenience? I disagree!

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: I think you should get a blood pregnancy test which is more accurate.

Marta Mendez MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

1. Your Doctor is right, the progesterone does no good except in IVF pregnancies. The reason there are women on the net saying it works is because they took it and they stayed pregnant. This is the so called "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc) fallacy. (After this, therefore because of this) Those women who stayed pregnant after the progesterone would also have stayed pregnant after a sugar pill.

2. If you are 9.5 weeks with a progesterone of 4.1, You have an abnormal pregnancy. And if no evidence of intrauterine pregnancy, you have an ectopic pregnancy until proved otherwise. One proves otherwise by doing a menstrual aspiration or D&C.

3. Lupus quite frequently has a Flare at the time that any pregnancy is terminated. You and your Lupus Doctor should be prepared for this.

4. Before you get pregnant again, you should definitely see a Maternal-Fetal Medicine expert for a preconception Consult.

R. Daniel Braun, MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Inverted uterus occurs when the placenta implants on just the exact center of the top of the uterus. It is extremely rare for it to recur.

R. Daniel Braun, MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: The amount of radiation from that type of X-Ray is variable. Whether or not it could hurt a fetus would depend on the amount of radiation. If it were to occur in the first 2-3 weeks after ovulation, It would either cause a miscarriage or nothing. Later than that if the dose were high enough, it could lead to some birth defects.

R. Daniel Braun, MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: If you had a tubal pregnancy, your tests would come back positive (the hormone is detectable in the blood even with a tubal pregnancy). It's possible that you are not ovulating. Your other symptoms are most likely not related to your lack of periods. It could possibly be yeast infection. Evaluation by your physician should be able to tell that.

R. Daniel Braun, MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

A: Hypoplastic Left heart has a recurrence rate of about 1% or slightly less. As far as I know there is nothing that can be done to prevent it. Preterm Premature Rupture of the Membranes (PPROM) is a totally separate problem and has a higher recurrence rate although it tends to recur later in the pregnancy than it did the previous time. There is some thought that a good diet with a high amount of protein and good mineral supplementation may be of benefit. This has not been studied and is only supposition. In other words, nobody knows. Depending on how the pubic ramus fracture or pubic rami fractures healed, the pelvis might be obstructed to the point that a cesarean delivery would be necessary.

R. Daniel Braun, MD, Co-Chair Young Woman Editorial Advisory Board
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

Q: Effects of Ecstasy on a developing fetus
I found out that I was pregnant in mid January. On New Year's Eve I ate the designer drug Ecstasy. I was about two weeks pregnant at that time, but was unaware. What are the possible birth defects or brain damage that could have been caused by that one night? Have you heard of any studies on the drug and how it could effect a developing fetus? If there would be any damage, would it be severe? So far my lab work is all normal and my ultrasound was normal, but would those tests be able to detect any problems with the fetus?

A: This would be a very difficult question for me to answer, and I hope you have shared this information with your health care provider. If you really want specific answers, you probably need to see a genetic counselor who can give you the most current research.

If the baby is viable and growing then things are probably fine. I doubt there has been much research about this dangerous medication and pregnancy. If you had been further along, there might have been more damage. I hope you know now not to use this medication during pregnancy, and my recommendation is never, as this drug is very dangerous, and has been linked to death. As always, to maintain a healthy pregnancy you need to avoid alcohol, drugs and tobacco during pregnancy.

Pat Sonnenstuhl, ARNP, CNM, MS, Editorial Advisor
P.S. Remember that this is for educational purposes only.

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