Many physicians are discouraged with the results of cancer thereapy. However, the opportunity is there for all physicianst o make an early diagnosis in all the gynecologic cancers except those in the tube and ovary. Stage for stage, little progress has been made in lowering mortality rates, but the overall mortality rate is decreasing because more patients are having their cancers diagnosed in early states of disease. This achievement is to the everlasting credit of the practicing doctors who have, by training and motivation, been successful in establishing early diagnosis as a protection for the women of the United States. Those women saved from the raves of cancer shall call their physicians blessed.
Cervical CA
•Pelvic exam
•Not allowed: MRI, CT, ly
Staging Techniques:
Lymphangiography, surgical findings
(W/U by colposcopy)
•Tx: CO2 Laser,
asive Lesions:
•Atypical Hyperplasia
(W/U by EMBx, D+C/hysts)
•Tx: Progestins,
Many physicians are discouraged with the results of cancer thereapy. However, the opportunity is there for all physicianst o make an early diagnosis in all the gynecologic cancers except those in the tube and ovary. Stage for stage, little progress has been made in lowering mortality rates, but the overall mortality rate is decreasing because more patients are having their cancers diagnosed in early states of disease. This achievement is to the everlasting credit of the practicing doctors who have, by training and motivation, been successful in establishing early diagnosis as a protection for the women of the United States. Those women saved from the raves of cancer shall call their physicians blessed.
- Barber, 1980