HRT may reduce antidepressant need in menopausal women
Research suggests that hormone replacement therapy, especially with testosterone, may help alleviate mood symptoms in menopausal women and reduce the need for antidepressants.
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Pap Talk S4E15: MIRA surgical system for hysterectomy with Jean Dubuisson, MD, PhD
In this episode of Pap Talk, Jean Dubuisson, MD, PhD, discusses the first successful hysterectomy performed using the MIRA surgical system.
New review examines pain management options for outpatient IUD procedures
While pain is a common deterrent for patients considering an IUD, there are no standardized guidelines for pain relief during insertion or removal.
How Individually Identifying More HPV Types Enables Better Patient Management and More Precise Care
Obstetric training enhances EM residents’ confidence in emergencies
A new study reveals that obstetrician-led lecture and simulation training significantly improve Emergency Medicine residents' comfort in managing complex obstetric conditions.
Study: Perimenopause symptoms common in women as young as 30
Many women experience perimenopause symptoms in their 30s, but most delay treatment. Early awareness can improve care and quality of life.