Endometriosis Research Center


OBGYN.net Conference CoverageFrom Endometriosis 2000 - 7th Biennial World Congress - London, May, 2000

Audio/Video Link  *requires RealPlayer - free download

Dr. Mark Perloe: “Hi, I’m Dr. Mark Perloe from Atlanta, and we’re here with Michelle Marvel from the Endometriosis Research Center and Heather Guidone. Michelle, can you tell us about the Endometriosis Research Center?”

Michelle Marvel: “We are an international, nonprofit organization. We were founded by myself three years ago, and we offer a lot of support to women through the Internet and through phone calls - we have an 800 number. We talk to mostly everybody who contacts us by phone, and if people request us to contact them, we will be glad to do that to provide them support and resources by contacting them with other women who might be experiencing the same symptoms that they have. That happens throughout the world, and we try and do that. We have support groups across the country, and in that way those coordinators can give other women support and coordinate as far as symptoms and help each other. We also have materials and a newsletter for women.”

Dr. Mark Perloe: “Now you’ve had a recent conference, can you tell us about that?”

Michelle Marvel: “This past February, we held a conference in Boca Raton, FL. We brought in five speakers from around the country to talk about different topics on the latest research and treatments on the disease trying to bring forth information that women weren’t necessarily getting in the mainstream, such as pain mapping. That’s a procedure that not a lot of women are aware of so that was one of the topics. We’re real excited to finally be announcing that we’re going to be broadcasting on the Internet. It’s been a long time coming so that will be available at the end of this month and also VHS copies will be available for those who do not have Internet access.”

Dr. Mark Perloe: “Heather, how can people get more information or get involved with ERC?”

Heather Guidone: “Everybody is welcome to join - there are no membership fees, and anyone who contacts us is considered a member. Any level that any member wants to be involved in is fine, it’s up to them; whether that be helping to empower other patients, helping coordinate the newsletter group, helping us research materials, contacting doctors, etc. They can contact us through the web at endocenter.org, through our toll free number, or through postal mail which is all on our website. We do pride ourselves on contacting all members who contact us, even if the question is very remote we will research it. We will work with our Board, and we’ll get the answers that the women need.”

Dr. Mark Perloe: “Thank you so much for joining us today.”

Heather Guidone: “Thank you.”

Michelle Marvel: “Thank you.”

<<NOTE: The Internet Broadcast is now available. Please visit www.endocenter.org for access and details.>>

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