halo popup


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$jq('a.email').click(function() { //Overlay // get the screen height and width var maskHeight = $jq(document).height(); var maskWidth = $jq(window).width(); // calculate the values for center alignment var dialogTop = (maskHeight/3) - ($jq('#dialog-box').height()); var dialogLeft = (maskWidth/2) - ($jq('#dialog-box').width()/2); // assign values to the overlay and dialog box $jq('#dialog-overlay').css({height:maskHeight, width:maskWidth}).show(); //clear the form $jq('#from').clearForm(); $jq('#to').clearForm(); $jq('#name').clearForm(); $jq('#message_custom').clearForm(); //re-enable the fields $jq('.std_input').removeAttr('disabled'); //but lock out non-editable ones :-) $jq('#subject').attr('disabled','true'); $jq('#message_std').attr('disabled','true'); //hide the loading message $jq('.loading').hide(); $jq('.done').hide(); $jq("#tellfriend").fadeToggle('slow'); }); $jq('#tellfriend a.close').click(function() { //Overlay // get the screen height and width var maskHeight = $jq(document).height(); var maskWidth = $jq(window).width(); // calculate the values for center alignment var dialogTop = (maskHeight/3) - ($jq('#dialog-box').height()); var dialogLeft = (maskWidth/2) - ($jq('#dialog-box').width()/2); // hide the overlay $jq('#dialog-overlay').hide(); //clear the form $jq('#from').clearForm(); $jq('#to').clearForm(); $jq('#name').clearForm(); $jq('#message_custom').clearForm(); //re-enable the fields $jq('.std_input').removeAttr('disabled'); //but lock out non-editable ones :-) $jq('#subject').attr('disabled','true'); $jq('#message_std').attr('disabled','true'); //hide the loading message $jq('.loading').hide(); $jq('.done').hide(); $jq("#tellfriend").fadeToggle('slow'); });});$jq(document).ready(function() { //if submit button is clicked $jq('#submit').click(function () { //Get the data from all the fields var sn = $jq('input[name=sn]'); var se = $jq('input[name=se]'); var re = $jq('input[name=re]'); //remove extra spaces between emails var mc = $jq('textarea[name=mc]'); var ms = $jq('input[name=ms]'); var sub = $jq('input[name=sub]'); //Simple validation to make sure user entered something //If error found, add hightlight class to the text field //Also email address validation on sender and recipient fields var emailReg = /^([\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/; if (sn.val()=='') { sn.addClass('hightlight'); return false; } else sn.removeClass('hightlight'); if (se.val()=='') { se.addClass('hightlight'); return false; } else if(!emailReg.test(se.val())) { se.addClass('hightlight'); return false; } else se.removeClass('hightlight'); if (re.val()=='') { re.addClass('hightlight'); return false; } else re.removeClass('hightlight'); //strip out whitespace between address var re_clean = re.val().replace(/ /g,''); //need to split values first var recipient_emails = re_clean.split(';') for (i = 0; i< recipient_emails.length; i++) { if(!emailReg.test(recipient_emails[i])) { re.addClass('hightlight'); return false; } } //organize the data properly var data = 'sn=' + sn.val() + '&se=' + se.val() + '&re=' + re.val() + '&mc=' + mc.val() + '&sub=' + sub.val() + '&ms=' + ms.val() + '&referrer=' + referrerLink; 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Please try again later.'); } }); //cancel the submit button default behaviours $jq('#dialog-overlay').hide(); return false; });});

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