How to Screen for Intimate Partner Violence: Tools from ACOG


More than one third of women in the United States will experience some form of intimate partner violence (IPV) in their lifetime. The consequences of IPV can be lifelong and include emotional trauma, long-term physical impairment, chronic health problems, and even death.

More than one third of women in the United States will experience some form of intimate partner violence (IPV) in their lifetime. The consequences of IPV can be lifelong and include emotional trauma, long-term physical impairment, chronic health problems, and even death. Signs of IPV can range from acute traumatic injuries to nonacute presentations of abuse. Examples of the latter include chronic headaches, sleep and appetite disturbances, sexual dysfunction, abdominal symptoms, and recurrent vaginal infections and generally are representative of clinical manifestations of internalized stress.

Obstetricians and gynecologists are uniquely positioned to assist women who experience IPV not only because of the intimate quality of the physician-patient relationship but also because of the many opportunities for intervention over the course of the patient’s life, such as annual examinations, family planning, pregnancy, and follow-up visits. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (The College) recommends that health care providers screen all women for IPV at periodic intervals because some women will not acknowledge or disclose abuse the first time they are asked.1

Poor pregnancy weight gain, infection, anemia, tobacco use, stillbirth, pelvic fracture, placental abruption, fetal injury, and preterm delivery have all been associated with IPV.1 For women who experience IPV, the violence can become more severe during pregnancy and the postpartum period, and The College recommends that screening for IPV should occur at least once each trimester and again at the postpartum checkup. In addition to the personal costs of IPV, the annual economic impact of medical and mental health care costs associated with intimate partner rape, physical assault, and stalking exceed $8 billion.1

All women are at risk for IPV. However, certain circumstances make some women more vulnerable than others. These special populations include female high school students, immigrant women, elderly women, and women with physical and developmental disabilities. Adolescents should be taught to be wary of any behavior designed to control and manipulate, especially because adolescent violence is linked to partner violence in adulthood.1

Some immigrant women may not report IPV out of fear of deportation. These women should be made aware that special visas are available that allow survivors of IPV to remain legally in the United States if it is justified on humanitarian grounds, ensures family unity, or is in the public interest.

Elderly women and women with disabilities who must rely on their partners or caregivers for help are especially vulnerable to IPV. Abuse can be physical, sexual, and psychological and includes neglect, abandonment, and financial exploitation.1 Unfortunately, most violence shelters do not accept women with disabilities because these facilities lack staff members who are trained to handle the needs of this special population.

However obstetricians and gynecologists choose to screen for IPV, they must use language and a format with which they are comfortable so their patients’ remain at ease. In addition, the language used should be free of judgment and stigmatizing terms, such as “rape,” “abuse,” “battered,” and “violence.” The College has recently published protocols for IPV screening that are designed to help facilitate assessment and information exchange (Table).

From a clinical perspective, expedited partner therapy is recommended only if there is no risk or suspicion of IPV after assessment. When IPV is reported, health care providers should acknowledge the trauma and document the patient’s injuries and overall condition, determine the immediate safety of the patient (and children if involved), and assist in the development of a safety plan, generally in the form of access to a private phone and referral to a local domestic violence agency.


Other Resources

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Rape Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Futures Without Violence: 
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence:
National Network to End Domestic Violence:
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence:
Office on Violence Against Women (U.S. Department of Justince):


1. Committee opinion no. 518: intimate partner violence. Obstet Gynecol.,/i> 2012;119(pt 1):412-417.

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