OBGYN.net Conference CoverageFrom 3rd Regional Meeting of the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy - Cairo, Egypt - 1999
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Dr. James Carter: “We’re in Cairo at the ISGE meeting - welcome.”
Professor Ayman Assaf: “My name is Ayman Assaf, I am the Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the 3rd Regional Meeting of the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy. Actually, the Society decided to make the Regional meeting a topical meeting, and the topic for this Congress is "Controversies in Gynecological Endoscopy". As you all know, this field is full of controversies and for that reason we chose this topic. The scientific program consists of presentation from high caliber national and international speakers covering most of the controversial points. I hope that we’ll be able to reach a consensus in some of them. However, I feel it is a must that we cool down the hot discussion, at least to keep away from the so-called clear course of failures. Also, the social program has been planned for you to enjoy your stay here from meeting old friends and making new ones. I would like to welcome all our guests, and I wish a pleasant stay for our colleagues. Thank you very much.”
Dr. James Carter: “Thank you.”