PCOStrategies, Inc. March 2003 Newsletter


PCOStrategies is sponsoring a participant survey that will be used in research regarding the partnerships between the medical community and non-profits and our combined efforts to educate and raise public awareness about PCOS and Syndrome O.

March brings the exciting winds of Education, Motivation and Stimulation! 

LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!PCOStrategies is sponsoring a participant survey that will be used in research regarding the partnerships between the medical community and non-profits  and our combined efforts to educate and raise public awareness about PCOS and Syndrome O. 

PCOStrategies participants and website visitors are invited to register their opinions.  survey participants will be registered for a free one year subscription to "O Rounds -- The First Online Magazine Dedicated to Polycystic Ovaries and Syndrome O".

COMING SOON! -- "O Rounds" -- A Monthly Educational Resource

Very soon PCOStrategies will offer a monthly downloadable PCOS/Syndrome O educational newsletter called "O Rounds."  O Rounds will be available for a very reasonable annual subscription price ($10-$20) and will feature the latest information about PCOS/Syndrome O, reviews of recent studies related to the condition, articles by the experts in the fertility care and related fields, diet/exercise tips, and much, much more. 

We are presently developing the first issue which will be available free of charge to website visitors.  PCOStrategies will begin taking subscriptions following the first edition.  Its sure to be an excellent, one of a kind resource for women dealing with PCOS/Syndrome O. 

More details will be available in next month's general PCOStrategies newsletter or email pcostrategies@lycos.com to "pre-subscribe." 


The new and improved www.PCOStrategies.org went live on January 21st.  We have received thousands of hits and dozens of new contacts on our elist.  Women across America and around the world are "turned on" to the PCOStrategies philosophy.  It is very exciting to review the emails daily from women who are eager for our empowering message.  The future is looking very bright.  Special thanks to our webmaster Jennifer Ballard for keeping the website fresh and updated.


WNC PCOStrategies's first 2003 session of the Syndrome O Survivial Strategies will be held soon.  Stay tuned for specific dates.  If you are interested in attending this session, please contact Lesa Childers at SyndromeO@aol.com or at pcostrategies@lycos.com.


PCOStrategies of DE held its first SOS Strategies sessions in March.  Director Gayle Kemp facilitated the education sessions and participants enjoyed six hours of important information about life management and fertility enhancement.  Co-Founder, Dr. Ronald Feinberg joined the group one evening to present "Optimizing Your Fuel and Fueling Your Optimism."  I was priviledged to be a part of the sessions and would like to recognize our program sponsors -- Reproductive Associates of Delaware, Rosemont Pharmacy and Ferring Pharmacueticals. 

For more information about the Syndrome O Survival Strategies check out -- http://www.pcostrategies.com/calendar.htmlPCOSTRATEGIES CO-FOUNDERS TO SPEAK AT THE AIA CONFERENCE IN NYC

Dr. Ronald Feinberg and I will be guest presenters at the American Infertility Association conference on April 27th at the Marriot Marquis Hotel in New York City.  Topic of discussion will be Syndrome O -- A PCOS Strategy.  For more information about the conference please check out the AIA website at www.americaninfertility.org.


Sadly, the Winds of War are also blowing in our world.  At this time when we all face increased stress and concern each day, I encourage each of you to keep on taking of You.  Don't lose sight of your goals -- stay healthy and stay positive about your ability to make progress.  I'm saying prayers each day that the war will go no longer than absolutely necessary and that our loved ones will return home safely. 

Until next month


Lesa Childers, President & CEO

PCOStrategies, Inc.

PO Box 914

Sylva, NC 28779



PCOStrategies, Inc is a federal 501(c) non profit organization devoted to women throughout the world with Syndrome O, a whole body metabolic disorder causing infertility, miscarriage, polycystic ovaries, and insulin resistance. Please support our ongoing mission of Education, Motivation, and Stimulation through a tax deductible charitable donation, payable by check or credit card (via PayPal).

For individuals who have received special help directly from one of our dedicated PCOStrategies staff, a minimum $25 donation is requested as a show of appreciation to maintain these activities into 2003 and beyond.

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