Myomectomy is becoming a much more frequently performed procedure certainly it is one that is sought out much more frequently by our patients. Probably the most intimidating form of fibroids is that which occurs in the broad ligament, and particularly one which occurs in the cervical region.
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Myomectomy is becoming a much more frequently performed procedure certainly it is one that is sought out much more frequently by our patients. Probably the most intimidating form of fibroids is that which occurs in the broad ligament, and particularly one which occurs in the cervical region. The concern that people have is that these fibroids can be very close to major blood vessels and getting control over the bleeding can be quite challenging. The secret to taking out the broad ligament or low cervical fibroid is to try and limit your dissection to inside the capsule of the fibroid remember that the capsule is formed by compressed tissue that surrounds the original growing fibroid and all the blood vessels that supply the fibroid the major blood vessels are on the outside beyond the capsule so whether it be in the cervix or the broad ligaments you find a bloodless space so that you can make an incision and get into the capsule and then all the rest of your dissection should occur within the capsule itself and you can lift it out without having any significant risk of injury to major vessels around that and we've been successful in doing that in broad ligament fibroids approaching them either abdominally or laparoscopically and have found that to be very successful.
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