THL & Early Diagnosis of Endometriosis

Article Conference CoverageFrom 5th International Symposium onGnRH Analogues in Cancer and Human Reproduction inGeneva, Switzerland

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Dr. Leonhard Loimer: "If you surgically evaluate patients with infertility - transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy - the advantages of the technique is that you can gain access earlier and potentially less costly and with less morbidity. That is the theory or the hypothesis that is being proposed in the attempts to sell the equipment. While the technique demonstrates good visualization of the posterior pelvis, it does not show visualization of the anterior pelvis. Do you believe that the trade off of earlier visualization because of economics is an acceptable trade off to visualization of anterior or the live visualization of the anterior pelvis?"

Professor Bruno Lunenfeld: "At my age and at my level of profession I am sometimes allowed to say I don't know. So in this respect - I don't know, I'm not sure. I believe as I said when we discussed the AV meter earlier - I believe in prevention. I see endometriosis as a disease, which will always progress. If I can treat endometriosis earlier, I will save money and pain, and I will increase the quality of life. So whatever I can do to make an early diagnosis of endometriosis and prevent the progression of the disease because I want to come back again and say - once endometriosis always endometriosis. And endometriosis is a progressive disease but we have to take all the means to keep the progression of endometriosis under full control so that we can have a very good quality of life even though we have this disease."

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