A new survey finds underinsurance to be a continuous barrier to health care.
Even among adults with employer-sponsored health care plans, underinsurance continues to be a problem in health care.
The Commonwealth Fund, in its latest biennial health insurance survey, found almost no change in the percentage of underinsured* adults since 2010 (“Underinsured” is defined as adults who were insured during the entire year, but whose out-of-pocket costs (excluding premiums) equaled at least 10% of income or, for adults with income <200% of the federal poverty level, out-of-pocket costs equaled at least 5% of income. In addition, anyone with deductibles equal to at least 5% of income was classified as underinsured).
Intentional weight loss linked to lower mortality in postmenopausal women
March 11th 2025A recent study shows that intentional weight loss significantly lowers all-cause, cancer, and cardiovascular mortality risks among postmenopausal women, highlighting the importance of targeted weight management.
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