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Contemporary OB/GYN week in review: Ovarian cancer, postpartum hemorrhage, and more | Image Credit: © Aleksey 159 - © Aleksey 159 - stock.adobe.com.
Contemporary OB/GYN week in review: Ovarian cancer, postpartum hemorrhage, and more

July 19th 2024

Review some of the top stories from the Contemporary OB/GYN website over the last week, and catch up on anything you may have missed.

Study links endometriosis to increased risk of ovarian cancer | Image Credit: © Orawan - © Orawan - stock.adobe.com.
Study links endometriosis to increased risk of ovarian cancer

July 17th 2024

Contemporary OB/GYN week in review: Maternal mortality, mifepristone, and more | Image Credit: © Aleksey 159 - © Aleksey 159 - stock.adobe.com.
Contemporary OB/GYN week in review: Maternal mortality, mifepristone, and more

July 5th 2024

FDA grants fast track to 99mTc-maraciclatide for endometriosis diagnosis | Image Credit: © maurice norbert - © maurice norbert - stock.adobe.com.
FDA grants fast track to 99mTc-maraciclatide for endometriosis diagnosis

July 2nd 2024

Contemporary OB/GYN week in review: Endometriosis, estrogen therapy, and more | Image Credit: © Aleksey 159 - © Aleksey 159 - stock.adobe.com.
Contemporary OB/GYN week in review: Endometriosis, estrogen therapy, and more

June 21st 2024

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