What is the role of surgical simulators?
Four ob/gyns discuss the merits of surgical simulators and what kind of future is in store for the tools.
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AI: Coming to a clinical scenario near you
As artificial intelligence increases its presence in medicine, ob/gyns are welcoming the technology with both excitement and trepidation.
Fake news in ob/gyn
As patients are exposed to more and more misinformation, ob/gyns have a responsibility to not just treat but also educate.
Migraine headache and hormonal contraception
Many factors must be considered before prescribing hormones to women affected by migraine.
Second-trimester abortion: Update on clinical and legal aspects
Although women face many obstacles to first-trimester abortion, challenges to second-trimester abortion are even greater.
The other difficult delivery
Although residency teaches doctors to deliver babies, how to deliver bad news must also be a part of the curriculum.
Artificial intelligence in ob/gyn ultrasound
Ob/gyn, while late to the game, has the potential to climb the ranks as the specialty most instrumental to the use and development of AI.
Delayed thermal perforation or intraoperative mishap?
Ongoing postoperative complaints and disturbing scan results - was this a case of a rare random complication or an intraoperative injury?
Gastrointestinal disorder prevalence among women with endometriosis
New research investigated the connection between nutrient intake and gastrointestinal disorders in women with endometriosis.
Pubic hair grooming and STI risk
Newly published research contradicts earlier findings about pubic hair grooming as a risk factor for sexually transmitted infection (STI).
Does mammography have benefit for older women with chronic illnesses?
A recent study looked to determine the 10-year cumulative incidence of breast cancer versus death from causes other than breast cancer according to comorbidity and age.
How menopause influences multiple sclerosis
A recent study evaluated the impact of menopause on multiple sclerosis (MS), including disease activity and disability progression.
Female cyclists and sexual dysfunction
A recent study examined how bicycle seats may play a role in the prevalence of sexual dysfunction among female adult bicyclists.