ACOG: Increased Birth Weight Slows Labor, May Alter Labor Curve
A study presented at the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Annual Clinical Meeting indicates that as birth weight increases, progression in labor is slower in both successful trial of labor and patients who ultimately have cesarean deliveries.
ACOG: Neoprene Abdominal-Pelvic Binder Significantly Increases Early Postoperative Ambulatory Events
Postoperative use of a neoprene abdominal-pelvic binder significantly increases ambulatory events in the first 24 hours after surgery and may be of benefit particularly in a high-risk gynecological oncology surgical population, according to a study presented the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Annual Clinical Meeting.
ACOG: Region Should Factor Into Chlamydia Screening Guidelines For Women Over Age 25
Women over the age of 25 may still need to be screened for Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) according to research released at the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ (ACOG) Annual Clinical Meeting.
ACOG: Delaying Non-Indicated Induction of Labor or Scheduled Cesarean May Reduce NICU Utilization
A study that examined trends in timing of non-medically necessary elective delivery and NICU utilization indicates that the older the gestational age of the infant, the less the NICU is utilized.
ACOG: Providers Underestimate Pain Intensity During IUD Insertion
Providers underestimate the intensity of patients’ pain during IUD insertion, and often misidentify the moment at which maximum pain occurs, according to a randomized trial of 200 women. Midlevel providers are slightly better at estimating pain intensity.
SMFM Video: What is the Optimal Time for Induction of Women Over 40?
Anjali Kaimal, MD, discusses her research into optimal gestational age for induction in women over age 40 during the poster session at the Society of Maternal and Fetal Medicine's 32nd Annual Meeting.
SMFM Video: Preeclampsia Increases the Risk of Postpartum Hemorrhage
Joost von Schmidt, MD, of Leiden University Medical Center, discusses his research into the association between preeclampsia and postpartum hemorrhage during the poster session at the Society of Maternal and Fetal Medicine's 32nd Annual Meeting.
SMFM: Induction of Labor Reduces Trauma Risk for Large-for-Date Fetuses
Inducing labor in the case of a suspected large-for-date fetus reduces the risk of trauma at birth compared with expectant management, according to a randomized controlled trial in collaboration with 20 European teaching hospitals.
SMFM: LEEP Does Not Increase Risk of Preterm Birth
There is no association between pre-pregnancy LEEP and preterm birth or pregnancy loss before 20 weeks, according to a 7-year multicenter cohort study presented at the Society for Maternal and Fetal Medicine's Annual Meeting. The study, by George A. Macones, MD, contradicts earlier findings.
Contraceptive Use Patterns: It’s Time to Shift Our Thinking
Research presented at the ASRM's meeting shows that women at risk of unintended pregnancy are using some form of contraception. However there is a tendency for user dependent, short term contraception which has a higher failure rate than long term reversible contraception.