Stroke a Growing Concern for Women in Pregnancy
August 8th 2011With increasing rates of women at high risk for stroke due to obesity, congenital heart disease, and autoimmune disorders, there is a growing concern about stroke during pregnancy. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has chosen stroke during pregnancy and the postpartum period as an area of special interest; WHO is considering labeling stroke as a life-threatening obstetric complication and as a condition that may make unintended pregnancy an unacceptable health risk.
European Study Sheds Light on Impact of Mammography Screening on Breast Cancer Morbidity
August 7th 2011Breast cancer mortality appears to be decreasing not only in the United States but internationally as well. While mammography and screening supporters point to its efficacy as the main reason for this decrease, there is no definitive answer. With that in mind, Dr Philippe Autier, research director at the International Prevention Research Institute in Lyon, France, and colleagues sought to compare the trends in breast cancer mortality and the relative screening policies among 3 pairs of neighboring European countries.
Poll: Do You Experience Higher Failed Induction of Labor with Obese Women?
August 7th 2011Researchers have found that obese women are twice as likely to experience failed induction of labor compared to women of normal weight. The rate of failed induction increased with increasing obesity. Further, obesity was also associated with increased neonatal morbidity-infants born to obese women were more likely to have an Apgar score of less than 7 at 5 minutes, require assisted ventilation, require use of antibiotics, and experience neonatal transfer.
Obesity Linked To Failed Induction, Increased Neonatal Morbidity
August 7th 2011The increasing epidemic of obesity affects all areas of obstetrics. Obesity is associated with medical, surgical, and obstetrical complications and higher rates of induction dysfunctional labor patterns. Since one-third of all reproductive-aged women are obese and almost 10% are extremely obese, this represents a significant problem for obstetricians. Thus, researchers from the division of maternal fetal medicine in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in Ohio conducted a study to better understand the association between failed induction and obesity as well as to determine if the link is correlated with increasing class of obesity.
Clinical Guidelines for Evaluation and Management of Amenorrhea
August 5th 2011Definitions Primary amenorrheaFailure of menarche to occur when expected in relation to the onset of pubertal development. • No menarche by age 16 years with signs of pubertal development. • No onset of pubertal development by age 14 years. Secondary amenorrhea • Absence of menstruation for 3 or more months in a perviously mentruating women of reproductive age.