Website Redesign!

Press Release

We are pleased to share that as part of a redesign of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia’s website, some Vaccine Education Center (VEC) websites also have a “new look”! If you have not been on our sites lately, we hope you will take a few minutes to check these redesigned websites:

  • Vaccine information ( — The VEC’s main website includes information about vaccines and the diseases the prevent; vaccine safety, including ingredients; vaccine science and history; the vaccine schedule; and the human immune system.
  • Parents PACK website —This is our program for the public. We are pleased to share that the redesigned Parents PACK website now includes an “Evaluating information” section where we have gathered many resources for checking information and learning how scientific knowledge evolves.
  • Vaccine Update website — Our program for healthcare providers.

Be sure to have families subscribe to the Parents PACK newsletterto keep current on new content produced by the VEC.

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