Highlights of a new position statement on local estrogen to relieve vaginal atrophy
September 1st 2007To guide health-care providers about the efficacy, safety, and role of local vaginal ET to treat vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women, The North American Menopause Society has developed an evidence-based position statement.
Grand Rounds: Ob Team Stat: Developing a better L&D rapid response team
September 1st 2007An innovative approach to ob emergencies can make these unnerving episodes seem less like an avalanche and more like downhill skiing. One of the keys is replacing sequential with simultaneous activation of the ob team.
Safely giving regional anesthesia to gravidas with clotting disorders
August 1st 2007Regional pain relief may be too risky in patients with coagulation disorders, whether they're induced by anticoagulants to manage or prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes linked with VTE or thrombophilia, or due to a coagulopathy. Benefits and risks can include a rare but catastrophic complication: spinal hematoma.
Legally Speaking: The mystery of the incomplete history
August 1st 2007Despite the inherent unfairness of viewing a physician's actions through the proverbial "retrospectoscope," in cases involving catastrophic brain injuries, a jury will invariably scour the events of the past to ensure that there was nothing the doctor could have done to potentially avoid them.
Oh, by the way . . . Should I take aspirin to prevent preeclampsia?
August 1st 2007Much hope has been placed on the potential preventative effects of low-dose aspirin, which selectively inhibits thromoxane, a vasoconstrictive prostanoid overproduced by the placenta and platelets of women with preeclampsia.